Is it Safe for Dogs & Puppies to Have Garden Veggie Straws?

If you have a pet dog you might be wondering can dogs eat veggie straws and are veggie straws good snacking option for them.  To find the answer to this question, you have to first understand the ingredients that are used in veggie straws

Veggie straws are a popular snacking option that is loved by humans. However, as they are crunchy and tasty, they are loved by dogs as well.  You might have the temptation of throwing some veggie straws at your dog while you are munching on them, but are you certain that they are safe for consumption of dogs.

What are veggie straws made up of?

Veggie straws are usually made up of processed potato and corn. They are rich in carbohydrates and starch.

  • Potato-The major composition comprises potatoes, and they contain magnesium, iron, vitamin C as well as vitamin B6. They are good for dogs as well as human beings.  So, you can feed potatoes to their dogs. However, in the case of processed potatoes, it contains unhealthy ingredients like oil and preservatives. Also, due to the processing, the value of nutrition of the food decreases.

Artificial coloring and flavoring might also be added to the processed food which contains harmful chemicals. It might apparently seem that the potato powder contains sufficient carbohydrates and are healthy for the dogs.  However, this is a wrong notion as potato powder may result in obesity in dogs, further leading to lots of side effects. So, we may say that processed food isn’t contaminated but consumption in larger quantities by your furry friend may result in some and healthy side effects.

  • Corn– Another ingredient of veggie straw is corn. It is good for dogs especially since it forms part of a proper diet and is a rich source of carbohydrates. Corn consists of nutrients such as protein, fiber, linoleic acid, as well as potassium. It also contains carotenoids and phytochemicals that help to provide immunity and provides relaxation from chronic ache.

Natural corn isn’t destructive for consumption by dogs but again processed corn added with artificial flavoring and color may be harmful for dogs and can cause health issues. Feeding your dog too much corn might also give way to obesity for your furball. Some side effects also comprise kidney issues as well as allergies.

Therefore, we might conclude that do corn and potatoes in their natural form are a good source of fiber and carbohydrates, however, processed potato and corn which come as vegetable straws are not a very healthy option of snacks for dogs. This is because processed food contains harmful chemicals and has very little nutritional value.

Vegetable fried are also often not very healthy and adds a lot of calories to the diet.  This might further lead to diseases and in the scissors in case of pets.  In case you feel that the dog has consumed veggie straws a lot, then it is advisable to monitor the activities of the dog for a few hours to check for any complications due to allergies.

If you see any of the allergic reactions as well as unusual symptoms then, take your dog to the doctor for their check-up

Alternative Healthier Snacks for Your Furball

If you are confused about an alternative to veggie straws as snacking options for your dog, then you might consider dog biscuits and veggie chips.  However, while purchasing veggie chips check out for the presence of processed potatoes and preservatives.

It is always good to feed your dog’s natural and unprocessed food that is rich in nutrients and does not tantamount to harmful health conditions. Avoid snacks that contain artificial flavor and fats and are heavy on calories.

At first, your dog might not like the taste of the natural ingredient, but with time they will develop the taste for healthier food and will live a long and healthier life. Organic and natural food is goon on nutritional value and better than pulverized potatoes and corn.

To sum up

Though your furry friend may relish the veggie straws taste and maybe fine after consuming some, you have to check on the portion size that they are consuming. Eating processed food like veggie straws regularly might have a serious side effect on your pet and what’s worse is that you may have to rush to the doctor to treat your dog.

If you are looking for healthy options for your pet pup, there are several of them available in the market that is made from good ingredient as well as have good nutritional value.

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