My Dog is Panting Pacing and Won’t Lie Down
If your pet is uncomfortable, it can make you unhappy and tense. This is because it is hard to see a loved one suffer. It is also very distracting as it can distract every one’s mood and also routine. If you find your dog pacing around the whole house, from room to room. It may be very troubling to see your healthy dog wander around aimlessly. This may trouble you a lot and you might start thinking why your dog would not settle down. You might be concerned, but not in a position to take your dog to a vet that very instant. However, you may be thinking that your dog may have health concerns, which you might not want to neglect. There may be many reasons why your dog may be pacing and would not want to lie down.
Reasons for Pacing
There might be many reasons your dog is pacing and would not want to lie down. Some of the reasons may be related to anxiety or stress. However, it is important that you can understand the reason for your friend, pacing around without any reason and help it to relax a bit. The below reasons are the viable cause of the pacing of dogs:
Anxiety: Dogs pace around and not laying down may be because of anxiety which could be due to many reasons. Dogs serving from nervousness and anxiety will have negative energy and would want to release it somehow. Thus, they begin to pace around the house. The anxiety might be for a very simple reason such as a stranger in the house or storm coming. However, this may lead your dog to anxiety issues for some time. Anxiety when caused by separation can be disturbing for your dog. It may be important to understand the cause of the anxiety and what can calm you down.
The most common symptoms that may be caused by anxiety are some of the below:
- Continuous pacing.
- Is restless at night and won’t settle down.
- Does not like eye contact.
- Continuously tries to leave the area.
- Avoids petting.
- Panting.
- Whimpering.
- Hiding.
- Shivering or trembling, as if cold.
- May stand putting his paw on you, even if you sit or lie down.
- Dog not sleeping.
Anxiety issues or disorders are found mostly in the below breed of dogs:
- Border Collie
- Cocker Spaniel
- German Shepherd
- Bichon Frise
- Australian Shepherd
- Greyhound
- Toy Breeds
- King Charles Spaniel
- Labrador
- Vizslas
Pain or Physical Distress in Dogs
Pain or physical distress may be the reason as well why your dog’s paces around the rooms and would not want to sit. Injury may be one of the reasons that your dog is pacing around. It generally happens if you have an older dog, it may be because the leg of the dog is painful, due to arthritis. This is a very common trait in large dogs. There are also many over the counter medicine which you can give your dog to help him with the arthritis pain. It would make your dog comfortable and would help it sleep. Physical distress such as stomach aches can be treated at home as well. Avoid giving him food which will cause stomach problems. However, if your dog’s condition does not improve for a long period of time you might want to visit a vet. It might be that your dog is suffering from intestinal trouble. If the dog is lethargic and does not want to eat. It is best to call a veterinarian.
Your Dog is stressed by Lack of Exercise
A dog becomes frustrated when it does not get enough exercise. It is necessary for your dog to exercise at least 30 minutes in a given day. This includes running & playing. Try taking your dog to a park or a year and let him chase a ball. You will understand that your dog is content after it is tired after playing and exercising. This will benefit your dog a lot.
What to Do When Your Dog is Restless & Keeps Pacing?
If you see that your dog is restless or is pacing around between rooms. It is advisable to contact your Veterinarian. You need to be sure that it is nothing serious. If you see signs such as whimpering, vomiting, loss of appetite. This could be a sign of a much bigger problem.
Hence, make sure that your dog is getting a lot of mental & physical exercise, as it can reduce the restlessness in your dog.