Is Watermelon Good for Dogs & Puppies to Have?

Dogs are curious creatures that love our company. They will stop at nothing to get our attention when they need it, and they want to eat anything they find their owner eating. Watermelon is a sumptuous fruit that humans enjoy eating, and they are equally irresistible to your dogs. 

However, before you decide to make it a part of your canine’s staple meal, you need to read this article to learn a few things about this fruit and whether or not it is beneficial or detrimental to your dog’s health in the long run.

Water Melons for Dogs

This fruit is a healthy source of essential nutrients and vitamins that your dog requires in order to stay healthy. It is composed of 92 % water, hence the name. A few slices of watermelon will keep your dog refreshed on a sunny day.

However, just like for most good things, too much watermelon comes with its own risk and health challenges. Therefore, you should know how frequently you need to feed your dog with this meal and how you should serve it to the dog. It is highly recommended that you have a few words with your vet before introducing any new food to your dog’s menu.

How Is Watermelon Beneficial to My Dog?

This fruit is rich with the necessary nutrients that your dog requires to lead a healthy life. Some of these include Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B6. It is also rich in fiber, which is necessary for the bowel health of your canine. The high fiber content in watermelon balances out the effect of the sugar in it and makes it hard for it to flow into the blood quickly. Watermelon also contains an antioxidant called lycopene, which helps your dog fight against the development of cancer.

In addition to all these attractive benefits, watermelon is free of fat, low in sodium,  free of cholesterol, and low in calories. This makes watermelon a healthy meal than most treats available in retail shops. The high water content of this fruit makes your dog stay hydrated all day, even when the weather is hot.

When Can Watermelon Become Bad For my Dog?

Although watermelon has many health benefits that it offers to your dog, you cannot make it a regular food. This is because overconsumption of watermelon will result in gastrointestinal issues in the dog, such as diarrhea and stomach ache. Therefore, you must moderate the portion of watermelon that you give to your dog. It is also necessary that you introduce new food to your dog gradually. 

This is to be sure that the dog’s body doesn’t react negatively to the food. It is essential to have a word with your vet before introducing any new food to your dog’s menu.

Can Dogs Eat Every part of The Watermelon?

Watermelon is made up of many parts, and not everyone is beneficial to your dog. For example, the seeds can cause a blockage in the digestive tract of your dog. The body of some large dogs may be able to pass it off, but smaller dogs are more at risk of getting a blocked intestine. Apart from the seeds, the rind can also block the intestines of your dog. This is because the rind is difficult for the dog to chew, and it will swallow it.

The watermelon skin is also hard for your dog’s body to digest, which can contribute to blockage of the intestinal tract. You need to pay careful attention, mostly if your dog belongs to a smaller breed since they have smaller intestines and at greater risk of blocked intestines. 

Some of the signs to watch indicate that a dog may suffer from blocked intestines, including constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting, and lethargy. If you observe any of these signs, waste no time contacting your vet for medical assistant and advice.

Natural Watermelon Only

There are so many artificial products that are made from watermelon, but they are not safe for your dog. This is because they contain too much sugar and many chemical substances that will disrupt the healthy living of your dog. 

The effect of consuming sugar in a large amount includes obesity and diabetes, which could be fatal. Some products also contain an artificial sweetener known as xylitol, which is known to be toxic to dogs. Therefore, you must serve fresh watermelon to your dog whenever you have to.

How to Feed Your Dog with Watermelon

The dietary need for dogs varies from species to species. As beneficial as watermelon is to dogs, it can be harmful to a dog with an underlying health challenge. 

Therefore, you must have a discussion with a vet before adding any new food to your dog’s menu. In the case of watermelon, your vet will recommend the quantity you can give to your dog and how frequently they can have it. If your vet finally gives the go-ahead, you can start giving this delicious food to your dog after getting rid of the rind and seeds. 

Chop the watermelon into smaller pieces that are easy for the dog to chew and serve as a special treat. It is also an excellent idea to freeze the watermelon during summer and give it to your dog as a treat, as long as the dog’s teeth are healthy to chew it. You can make it more interesting for your dog by serving the watermelon as part of a fruit salad with other fruit like blueberries.


Watermelon is as delicious to dogs as it is for Humans and beyond that, it comes with lots of health benefits. However, it is only advisable that you give it to your dog as a special treat and not as a regular meal. 

This is because too much of it will result in various sickness in your dog, such as simple ones like diarrhea or more complex ones like diabetes. Ensure that you slice the fruit well so that it doesn’t end up blocking the intestines of your dog.

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