Dog Not Eating as Much But Still Active – Is There Anything Wrong?

Your dog, who usually has a voracious appetite out of the blue, does not seem interested in food. From as far as you can observe, the canine is not in pain or acting strangely, apart from the fact that they do not want to eat. When your dog is not eating, it is a cause for worry, mostly if 48hours have gone by without them touching food. 

What is wrong with the dog, and how can you solve this? Well, there are a few reasons why dogs won’t eat. Once you get the reason behind the eating issue, you can solve it and have your pet back to normal. Let us explore some of the reasons associated with dogs not eating below: 

They Are Stressed or Depressed

Dogs are just like us; they get affected by their surrounding environment psychologically. Your dog may not be eating because it is undergoing a stressful situation. New environments, sudden changes in routine, or a recent traumatic experience affect the dog’s appetite. 

You can reduce your dog’s stress by taking long walks, re-training them, or using prescribed medication. Ask your vet for the best solutions to deal with a stressed or depressed dog according to its breed. Once the dog gets over its stress triggers, it can eat regularly.

Separation Anxiety

Let us say that you spend most of the time with your dog and no one else around. The canine becomes incredibly attached to you since you are the only face they trust. If you suddenly take a trip and leave someone else with the dog, it might suffer from separation anxiety. Anxiety lessens the appetite as the dog patiently waits for you to come back.

It will take a few days for the dog to feel hungry enough to take food from a stranger. It is good to socialize your dog before with the person you’ll leave it with when you go on trips.

Change in Diet

Have you introduced something new in the dog’s food or changed the brand? Dogs have sharp senses; thus, they will know if the food has changed. Introducing new foods may not appeal to the dog’s taste buds, or it may cause them some stomach discomforts. It is best to switch back to the old diet if the dog does not like the new one.

Alternatively, you can try cooking delicious food for them to eat instead of dry kibble. Dogs like human food, too, so mix it up a bit to tempt them into eating.

They Are Sick

Your dog might be unwell, but it is not severe enough to make them inactive. It like when we humans have a slight headache or stomach ache. When they have a slight stomach upset, they will refrain from eating until the discomfort dies down. 

You will know that it is something serious if more than two-three days go down without them finishing a full meal. Observe the dog for any more symptoms that correlate with the lack of eating. Visit the vet to rule out any serious diseases like kidney or parasite infestation.

Oral Issues 

If a dog has an issue with its mouth, chances are it will reduce eating. The Dog may have something stuck to its teeth or have sore gums. Inspect the dog’s mouth to see if there are obstructions that would prevent them from eating. If the dog has superiorly bad breath, get it checked out as it may be suffering from tooth and gum disease.

The Canine Will Not Eat But it Will Drink Water

In some cases, you find that your dog won’t eat, but it will drink water. This is a good sign that the dog is not badly off. A dog that drinks no water and does not eat must have a big problem.

When dogs have a stuffed nose, it is challenging for them to pick up smells; and because they use their noses to identify delicious food, they may neglect the food if they can’t smell it. Decongest your dog’s nose and present them with food with a delicious aroma and see if they won’t try it.


Your dog cannot stay for long without eating because it will lose weight. If the reason behind your dog’s lack of eating is psychological or behavioral, consult a trainer or a behavioral expert for help. 

To make sure that your pet’s appetite does not dwindle, regular exercise is essential. If it burns off a lot of energy, the dog eats more.

Furthermore, introduce your dog to a strict eating schedule. Do not use treats as substitutes for food as they will get used to it and reject real food.

Lastly, spend time with your dog to alleviate issues with food stemming from loneliness and depression. When you give your dog attention, they feel better about life in general.


Whatever you do, do not panic when you realize your dog is not eating because it does not help. Observe the dog’s patterns and take it to the vet for consultation if the lack of eating continues for long. Once you solve the problem, make sure that you feed your dog a delicious, well-balanced meal to replace all the nutrients lost.

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