How to Treat Dog Fever At Home? What To Give Dogs?

First things first, it is imperative to note that dogs usually have a slightly higher body temperature than the standard human body temperature. It is easy to detect your dog’s fever, particularly if you are used to being in very close contact with it. Thus a thermometer is not necessarily needed.

A dog’s standard body temperature might be slightly higher or lower than thirty-eight or thirty-nine degrees Celsius, unlike a human’s average temperature, which lies between thirty-six to thirty-seven degrees Celsius.

However, for surety’s sake, you can get a suitable thermometer from your nearest pet store and ascertain your fears. Homecare should only be administered as a temporary solution as you book an appointment with your veterinarian.

This article will major on the various home remedies you may administer to ease the discomfort brought about by the fever, among other subordinate but necessary topics.

Tell-tale signs your dog is down with a fever 

A few of the most common signs and symptoms include general fatigue that leads to a sudden disinterest in playing or engaging in similar activities. If your energetic canine friend suddenly wants to sleep around all day and still looks weary, then that might be a red flag you should not ignore.

Secondly, there is the nose test which is a well-known technique to detect a fever. A dry and warm nose is usually confirmatory evidence of a fever. However, the method is not always accurate.

Then there is diarrhea, which may be mild or severe depending on how far gone your dog’s condition is at the moment. Diarrhea is indicative of the internal system’s struggles to fight the abnormal changes but is overwhelmed.

Another sign is warmness around the ears. Others include moodiness due to the significant discomfort that is brought about by the fever. There also may be a significant loss of appetite. These signs and symptoms may vary in intensity and occurrence from one dog to another.

It is vital to note that home-based dog care will only be essential if these signs manifest in lower or insignificant intensities. However, if you detect multiple signs manifested in high intensities, that should be your cue to consult a veterinarian soonest possible.

Besides these signs, if you are mostly used to grooming your dog in close contact with its fur coat and skin, you may be able to detect the abnormal temperature. All dog owners should have a rectal thermometer on standby to ascertain their dog’s body temperature change.

Suitable home remedies for dogs with a fever

Firstly, ensure that your dog is as comfortable as possible as the fever has already brought enough discomfort. Its comfortability can be ensured by providing a soft dog cushion to lay on, keeping its favorite toys close, among others.

One of the aforementioned signs includes diarrhea and, in severe cases, may be accompanied by vomiting. All these lead to significant loss of water from the body. Hence, it would be best to encourage your canine friend to drink as much water as possible to avoid dehydration.

Continually wetting its body using a damp cloth should also help elevate some discomfort as it brings some coolness to its body. Avoid using excessive water on the cloth as this may cause even more damage. 

Since your dog’s immunity is already compromised, using an excessively damp cloth may only serve to make it conducive for other ailments like flu to attack. Also, as you wet its fur, you can keep track of the fever by occasionally drying it subtly with a dog blow-dryer.

If you notice a persistent trend in temperature increment, then you may need to advance your remedies as you prepare to visit the nearest animal expert. For instance, periodically covering its whole body with a slightly damp towel while paying attention to certain areas.

Areas to pay special attention to include your dog’s ear lobes, paws, and so forth. Giving your dog a quick cool bath is another effective remedy to put into consideration. It is important to note that your canine buddy may meet most of these remedies with some resistance, but the key is being persistent and gentle as you establish rapport.

Over-the-counter drugs are greatly discouraged as self-medicating your dog’s condition is detrimental to its health. Also, never administer drugs meant for human consumption as they constitute potent chemicals that may result in severe digestive disturbances for your dog.

Final words

Therefore, home-based dog care is only a band-aid solution to manage the discomfort and prevent the unknown underlying condition from escalating. We advise dog owners against using these home remedies as a lasting solution as this puts your dog’s life in grave danger. 

It is also vital that you make arrangements to visit your veterinarian to conduct a comprehensive examination of your dog for a proper diagnosis. The earlier the underlying condition is detected, the better.

After a proper diagnosis, a vetted veterinary doctor will administer the required medication to manage the symptoms brought about by the fever. You will also be required to heighten your observance to monitor how well your dog responds to the medication.

The administration of these remedies may not be smooth sailing; brace yourself for a few hitches along the way. However, we hope you find this article resourceful and that it provides much-needed comfort. May your canine buddy experience a speedy recovery.

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