Is Soy Sauce Bad for Dogs & Puppies to Have?

Many of us love pets and even make them an essential part of our lives and homes. Within a little time, we tend to grow fond of our pet, and we treat them like family. 

For most people, their pet is as important as any other member of the family, so they are not to be left out in any family activities. Activities such as eating the same food, treats, sleeping together, sharing playthings, going out for celebrations and holidays. 

You will probably remember a time when you bought a take-home treat for yourself and maybe your family members, and you end up sharing it with your dog too. 

Note that as much as it shows that you care for your dog by sharing everything and anything with him (especially food and treats), excess sharing can equally be unhealthy for your dog. 

This is because your dog is an animal despite being a member of your family and animals have a different digestive system from that of humans. Similarly, your pet’s dietary need is different from yours. So it can be sometimes harmful to feed your dog with excess human food. 

This does not mean that there are no human foods you can share with your dog. So you have to research to know which human food you can share with your dog so that you can set the boundary. 

This article focuses on soy sauce, giving insight into the food concerning your dog’s health. 

The fundamental question is; can dogs feed on soy sauce? The answer is no; you should never offer your dog soy sauce as food. This is because the ingredients used to make soy sauce is not suitable for your pet’s health. But, generally, soy sauce is not directly toxic. 

Your dog can end up with vomiting and diarrhoea when they consume soy sauce. So, it would be best if you do not feed your pet any meal that has soy sauce. 

As you read along with this article, you will gather more insights and understand which of the ingredients of soy sauce causes problems to your dog’s health. 

Do Dogs Like to Eat Soy Sauce?

You can try it yourself, pour out a little quantity of soy sauce in your dog’s food bowl and see if they will eat it. It is very much unlikely that they won’t. Even humans are not supposed to eat soy sauce that way, so dogs too will not. 

However, if you offer your dog Chinese food that has soy sauce in it, they will most likely eat it and enjoy it. Dogs rarely know which meals are best for them and which are bad. 

So, yes, dogs really love to feed on soy sauce meals.

Why is Soy Sauce Not Ideal for Dogs? 

Like we mentioned above, soy sauce itself is not harmful to dogs; rather, it is the ingredients used to make soy sauce that is not ideal for your dog. These ingredients can make your dog unhealthy. Below is a list of those ingredients: 


Unlike humans, Dogs cannot tolerate sodium, so they can only eat small quantities of sodium in their regular diet. This is why veterinarians recommended that pet parents should not offer their pet more than a hundred milligrams of sodium daily. 

On the other hand, soy sauce has a high level of sodium. One tablespoon of soy sauce contains about nine hundred and two mg of sodium which is far above the quantity recommended.

So what will happen if your dog eats excess sodium? Your dogs could have salt poisoning. It might take a few days before you start seeing the symptoms, while in some cases, the signs of salt poisoning show right away. 

Here are common symptoms of salt poisoning you should look out for in your dogs: 

  • Tremor or seizures
  • Increased thirst
  • Disorientation
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Scratching
  • Limping
  • Decreased appetite

Some severe cases of dog poisoning can cause the death of your pet, hence the need to avoid soy sauce at all cost. 

High intake of sodium also causes kidney failure. The symptoms of kidney failure are almost the same as salt poisoning except for other symptoms like ulcer in the mouth and blood in the urine. 

If you notice symptoms of kidney failure or salt poisoning in your dogs, contact your veterinarian immediately. 

Onion or Garlic

There are many manufacturers of soy sauce in the industry. Many of them use onion or garlic to spice up the soy sauce. Both onion and garlic are harmful to your dog and can cause death, organ failure, anaemia and heart damage. 

So you should keep your dog away from soy sauce. And, if you have soy sauce in your home, ensure that you store them in places that are out of reach of your dog. 

What to Do If Your Dog Accidentally Eats Soy Sauce?

If this happens, first find out the quantity of soy sauce your dog consumed. You can only worry less if your dog consumes little amount because it will only make them feel thirsty and pee often. 

It is good because water helps to liquefy the excess sodium and goes out of your dog’s system as urine. 

Can Puppies Feed on Soy Sauce?

No, since adult dogs should avoid soy sauce, puppies should avoid it, even more, it can lead to instant mortality. 

What About Other Soy Foods?

  • Dogs can eat soybeans if they are not allergic to it.
  • Dogs can also eat tofu when they are served in moderation.
  • Dogs can equally drink soy milk in moderate quantity. 

Other Human Foods to be Wary Of

These foods include Xylitol, Milk and Dairy, Grapes and Raisin, Avocado, Caffeine and Chocolate, and Alcohol. While humans can eat these foods, they are not ideal for dogs and can cause health issues for them. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat broccoli?

Yes, they can because it is ideal for your dog’s oral health and rich in nutrients.

Can Dogs Eat Fish?

Yes, you can add fish to your dog’s daily meal, but you have to remove the bones and cook it well carefully.

Can My Dog Eat Slices of Banana?

Yes, banana is rich in potassium and is also a low-calorie nutritious treat for your dog as long as you offer them in moderation.


Back to the main question: can dogs feed on soy sauce? The general answer is no. Soy sauce is packed with sodium which is deadly to your dog. Excess consumption can lead to kidney failure and salt poisoning.

Ensure that you keep your dog away from soy sauce.


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