Are Peaches Good for Dogs & Puppies to Have?

Dog owners love to spice up their dog’s meal. So asides the regular dog meal, there are few other meals that can be added as supplement to the menu. Dog owners often get confused as to which supplement is ideal for their dogs and which is not. 

This article highlights peaches as a supplement to regular dog meal. Read along and find out if it is ideal for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Peaches?

The general question is whether dogs can even eat peaches. The answer is yes, they can. But there are few basic things you should know before serving your dog with this yummy fruit. 

If you do not have enough knowledge on how to take care of dogs, now is the time to learn more about them. You can also learn about peaches. 

The National Peach Month is usually marked in the month of August. Peaches contain a lot of beneficial nutrients which are advantageous to your dog’s health. However, the benefits your dog derives from eating peaches depends on how you serve them. 

You must serve peaches to your dog moderately and properly. This is because too much of peaches can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset. The pits from peaches can equally cause intestinal blockage or an acute choking hazard among other issues. 

Try to prepare peach by yourself, make sure you remove the pit. Your dog will most likely enjoy it as it will be tasty and healthy for them. However, it is important that you should first consult your vet before you share human food with your pet (dog). 

Below is the basic knowledge you need to have before you feed peaches to your dogs. 

Are Peaches Ideal For Dogs?

Like we have stated earlier, yes you can serve your dog peaches because it is considered safe, although in moderation. 

Peaches contain lots of minerals and vitamins that are helpful to your dog. Peaches are loaded with adequate Vitamin C and A and they also have low calories and high fiber. 

Peaches are a good source of oxidants which can strengthen the immune system and help to keep cancer at bay. Oxidants also help to augment the functions of the kidneys and liver. 

As long as you serve peaches to your dog moderately and properly, there will be no cause for alarm. Peaches are generally considered a healthy snack which one can even use as a energizing reward for their dog during training sessions. 

At What Time Are Peaches Not Suitable for Dogs?

The primary danger your dog faces when they eat peaches is the pit. Your dog might find it hard to chew the pits because they are hard. If your dog tries to eat it, it might cause damage to their jaw or teeth. 

Similarly, if your dog swallows peach pit, it can cause them to choke or lead to a severe gastrointestinal obstruction. Peach pits has saw-like edges which can damage your dog’s internal organs or mouth.

Ensure that your dog is never exposed to peach pits. That is why you must remove the pits from the peaches before serving your dog. In case your dog ends up swallowing a pit (maybe you forgot to remove it), look out for symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. Then, contact your vet as soon as possible. 

There is also a peach related issue that we have to mention. Although the issue is of lesser concern, but it is equally crucial that you know about it. Peach pits has a little quantity of a cyanide compound. 

This is not much of an issue because the cyanide compound poisoning will not get to your dog until they consume a large quantity of pits. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should expose your dog to any amount of pit (even if it’s small).

After you have removed the pit from the peach, the peach is absolutely safe for you dog to consume. It is recommended that you know where the peaches come from and make sure you wash them thoroughly. 

This is because the peaches may contain herbicides or pesticides that could have stuck on them from the point of harvest. These chemicals can make your dog sick when they eat them. 

Similarly, asides regular peaches, you are advised to avoid peach-flavored foods and canned peaches because of the high level of chemical and sugar they contain. As expected, too much of sugar can cause damage to your dog’s health. 

When your dog consumes excess peaches, it can cause diarrhea, vomiting and gastrointestinal upset. The sugar in peaches too can be harmful. It would be best if you serve your dog peaches in moderation. You can even make it as a special treat. 

Like every other food, your dog may likely be allergic to peaches. If such a dog eats peaches, in can lead to a rare but theoretically life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis. 

If your dog falls into this category, and exhibits symptoms like difficulty in breathing, hives, swelling, sneezing, coughing, and other signs, you must not feed him peaches again. And you must consult your vet immediately. 

Best Way to Serve Your Dog Peaches

The most ideal thing to do is to carry your vet along every step of the way. Consult your veterinarian and ask him for professional advice before you serve any human food to your dog. 

Some dogs have certain medical conditions that can get worse when they consume peaches or other human foods. So you must check (with the help of your vet) before you feed your dog with peaches. 

In addition, your veterinarian will guide you and give you adequate information on the right amount of peaches that you can serve your dog. 

Once you have gotten a go ahead from your vet, ensure that you choose and prepare fresh peaches free of rot and mold. Ensure that you wash them thoroughly and cut them into pieces. Also remove the pits, leaves and stem that may be in the peaches. 

You can then proceed to slice the peaches into tiny bits for easy serving to your dog as a training reward. You can also blend the peaches with other healthy fruits in a smoothie or a fruit salad or mix them with other foods for a pleasant surprise. 

Once again, consult your vet before you serve your dog any other foods or fruit.

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