Is it OK and Safe for Dogs & Puppies to Have Soy Milk?

Soy milk is very good for people who are intolerant to lactose. Many kids don’t like normal milk and don’t like it even if they grow up. Kids like these milk-based alternatives more than the original ones. Hence many homes nowadays have started to keep soy milk in their fridge.

As this is always present at home. You might feel the urge of feeding your dog the soy milk and also your dog might be curious in trying the delicious soy milk which you have been intaking for a while now. Dogs like the food which their humans generally eat or drink. They would continuously stare at you for the food and beg you to share it with them.

However, not all foods which are good for human consumption are good for dogs. The food which is in your fridge can be highly dangerous for your pet and you should make sure to keep them away from the reach of your dog. Some examples of food which are dangerous for your pet are grapes, caffeinated drinks and grapes.

So, Is Soy Milk Good For Dogs?

This article will answer your question about the question you had in your mind “Can dogs have soy milk?”

Soy milk is lactose free which makes it alright for dogs to consume it. So, Dogs can have soy milk but it should be in a limited amount.

ASPCA sources have said that soy and soy bean- based substitutes are alright to consume by dogs. Several dog foods use soy-based ingredients. However, this is still not considered as a good nutrition for puppies or dogs.

There are a lot of problems dogs can face if they regularly have dairy products are that the digestion gets affected as it contains lactose. That means dogs should not have problems with soy milk. However, it does cause some problems as the Soy milk contains isoflavones which are a type of protein. Even Phytoestrogen is found in soy milk which are a type of hormones (female) which are found in plants.

These also harm the dog in several ways.

Hence, limited quantities of soy are safe, if the intake is limited. Many people believe the isoflavones lower the cholesterol of dogs and also reduce the estrogen-sensitive cancers. There are many examples where the dog can help in reducing urinary problems in dogs.

Many Vet do recommend Soy milk in the supplements as they contain isoflavones.

You generally get the soy milk when soy is either grinded or boiled and later on filtered to get a similar product which very much looks like milk. This product is a good source of plant protein. This can also be taken as complete protein.

This means soy protein has nine essential amino acids that are the pillar or building blocks of protein and help your furry friend to attain perfect health. Commercial dog food included soy milk in many of their products in a safe amount.

How to Serve Soy Milk?

The only thing which can happen to a dog when it consumes Soy Milk is an upset stomach. The first thing that you can do before giving soy milk to your pet is to read through the ingredients. Make sure the soy milk does not contain excess sugar and lactose.

It is advisable to give any new food to your pet in a limited and measured amount so that you can understand how your furry friend reacts to it.

If you see that everything is going as normal as it can be. Then you can increase the amount slowly so that your pet can get used to the soy milk. This makes sure that your dog is not allergic to soy and would not suffer any side effects.

Milk is not a natural diet when it comes to dog food. It is not a part of their daily diet and is never available for them in nature. Hence naturally dogs can’t digest milk. This is the same for cow milk and soy milk.

You should understand that dogs can get all the nutrients from its kibble and soy milk is not a mandate for nutrition in dogs.

It is always a better thing to add things slowly to your pet’s diet as you would get sufficient time to understand the reaction of your furry friend. So, start increasing the quantity of soy milk gradually and work it up your own way.

Symptoms that can occur when fed Soy Milk

Many a times when your dog is allergic to Soy, they may show the below symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Ear infections
  • Excessive licking

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